“Can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time?”


~Matchbox Twenty © 2007



8th Grade “How Far We’ve Come” Music Video Project



Directions: Each team will create a music video for the Matchbox Twenty song, “How Far We’ve Come”. The music will be the soundtrack for the video and your task is to combine meaningful and relevant audio, images, and text that will amplify the songs hopeful message and pay tribute to heroic people and triumphant events that have made a difference and changed our country and world in a positive way.


Read the paragraphs below for specific techniques and content that are required for this assignment and they serve as the criteria for your project grade. (100 points)



Meaningful and Effective Use of Text: 


At least three statements highlighting historic and heroic events, movements or people must appear somewhere in the video including specific terms, dates and/or statistics. These statements can be written as complete sentences or they may be phrases. Example: Rosa Parks refused to move from her seat on a bus in 1955 sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott which furthered the Civil Rights Movement. Or Civil Rights Movement – Rosa Parks – 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott.


At least three meaningful concept sentences must appear in the video.  You must use three different concept words. You may choose to use a quote that includes a concept word. Example: “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)


The text of at least two meaningful literary / historic documents (speech, essay, declaration, quotes, literature, poetry, song…) should appear in the video. You do not have to include text of the entire document but the excerpt should be meaningfully connected to the events, issues and people referenced in your video. You may also want to overlay the text on an image of the person who wrote or spoke those words. Excerpt could also refer to underlying causes or it may provide possible remedies or solutions to a societal issue or problem referenced in your video.


The specific individuals, places and events referenced in your video provide additional opportunities for the use of audio and text, but use good judgment to avoid information overload. Do not try to fill the entire video with content or it will become too “busy” and less effective. You don’t want the viewer to be reading the entire time. You must leave “space” for the viewer to interject their own thoughts and feelings while listening and reacting to your video. 


Important lyrics from the song should also appear in the video. To emphasize their meaning and importance the words should appear in your video at the same point as the listener hears them in your song. Remember to be creative in your selection of text font, size and style. Again use your discretion, a good rule to follow when selecting any content for your video is “less is more”.



Meaningful and Effective Use of Images: 


At least two meaningful visual art or symbols should appear in the video. The visual may be an original abstract work or it may be a well known painting, sculpture, drawing or symbol of cultural and historic significance.  The image should be meaningfully connected to the events, issues and people referenced in your video. Image could also refer to underlying causes or it may provide possible remedies or solutions to a societal issue or problem referenced in your video.


The specific individuals, places and events referenced in your video provide excellent opportunities for the use of still images and video. Consider the placement and amount of time an image appears. Use this technique to emphasize certain images more than others. As with text don’t try to fill the video with endless images, be purposeful and selective for the greatest impact. (Less is more) You must leave “space” for the viewer to interject their own thoughts and feelings while watching and reacting to the video. 




“Now I wonder what my life is going to mean if it's gone”






“How Far We’ve Come” Music Video


AOL’s “How Far We’ve Come” (Behind the scenes) Video


Matchbox Twenty Official Web Site


Matchbox Twenty – AOL Music


Rob Thomas Official Site