"It was like -- oh my God, I can't believe it. So everybody came out and there were kids lying on the ground, running all over the place,...There isn't a day in my life that goes by that I don't wake up without some conscious thought of this. I was in Vietnam twice before. I didn't have the fear that I had on this campus -- helicopters swooping down, tear gas, bullets. It was a scary thing. I get goosebumps talking about it right at this moment,"

                                                                    ~ Kent State Student, Bob Carpenter

"When I saw the students in their pools of blood, I said this is it, it's got to stop -- the protests, the war. It's gone too far,"

                                                                    ~ Kent State Student, Paul Tople

"I like to call it murder. I see no justification and no justice,"

                                                                        ~ Kent State Student, John Darnell

"I don't care if you've never listened to anybody before in your life. I am begging you right now, if you don't disperse right now, they're going to move in. It will only be a slaughter. Please, listen to me. Jesus Christ, I don't want to be part of this. Listen to me,"

                                                                        ~ Kent State Professor Glenn Frank

Source(s):  "Photos", © 2000 May Fourth Task Force

                  Tuchman, Gary "Kent State shootings remembered" , May 4, 2000. © 2001 Cable News Network

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