Scar Tissue (excerpts)

By Anthony Kiedis w/ Larry Sloman © 2004 Hyperion Books



“…I knew there was never anyone to blame when people get into drugs. They’re always responsible for their own behavior, and it’s not the dealer, and it’s not the friend, it’s not the bad influence, it’s not the childhood…”


“…I stared at the sky, and for the first time in my life, a voice went off in my head: ‘You have no power over what happens in your life. Drugs dictate exactly what you’re going to do. You’ve taken your hands off the steering wheel, and you’re going wherever the drug world takes you’…”


“…I’m still a little bent, a little crooked, but all things considered, I can’t complain. After all those years of all kinds of abuse and crashing into trees at eighty miles an hour and jumping off buildings and living through overdoses and liver disease, I feel better now than I did ten years ago. I might have some scar tissue, but that’s all right, I’m still making progress. And when I do think, ‘Man a fucking motel room with a couple of thousand dollars’ worth of narcotics would do me right,’ I just look over at my dog  and remember that Buster’s never seen me high.”





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