My Education, My Future


Students watched President Obama’s back-to-school speech. Students also watched the “Swim” music video by Jack’s Mannequin and the “Right Me Up” music video by State Radio.  Click each image below to view these inspiring videos…


“…Oh this friend today Right Me Up I’m not so weak…” ~ Right Me Up


“..Just find the horizon, I promise you, it’s not as far as you think…” ~ Swim


Students were challenged to create their own motivational statement, poem, lyric…about the responsibility all students have to work for their goals and never give up. Scroll below to read excerpts from the President’s speech and the students’ original works.


Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama
Back to School Event (excerpts)

Arlington, Virginia
September 8, 2009


…Every single one of you has something you’re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That’s the opportunity an education can provide… 


…We need every single one of you to develop your talents, skills and intellect so you can help solve our most difficult problems. If you don’t do that – if you quit on school – you’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country… 


…At the end of the day, the circumstances of your life – what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you’ve got going on at home – that’s no excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude. That’s no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. That’s no excuse for not tryin…Whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it. I want you to really work at it… 


…And even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you – don’t ever give up on yourself. Because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country...


…So I expect you to get serious this year. I expect you to put your best effort into everything you do. I expect great things from each of you. So don’t let us down – don’t let your family or your country or yourself down. Make us all proud. I know you can do it…




My Education, My Future

this is my future.

My future is what I want to be.

My future, My future.

It’s not far away.

Start planning my future right now.




R espect your teachers

E ach homework assignment is going to be on time

S tay in school

P ower to have a choice to learn

O verdue assignments are your responsibility

N ow its your turn to get it right

S low down

I t’s your responsibility to learn

B uild your learning to a high level

I t’s fun to learn

L earning is fun

I ntelligent is a way to go

T each yourself

Y our the best you can be



I am not as weak as everyone thinks

But I will always remember that my friends and family are there

To always help me up when I am down




R ace ahead of the competition

I nnovate instead of follow

G o your hardest

H elp others

T ake responsibility for your actions


M ake good decisions

E njoy your time in life


U ndergo your own way

P ick your path in life



Choose Your Path. Photo by Jano De Cesare



S tay on track make it last

W ork for your future because life goes by fast

I ts not hard if you try

M ake life count, and you will fly




S elf confidence

W e can do anything we put our mind to

I ndependence is one way to go

M ake yourself confident in what you do



R eally try

I f you try you will make it

G o attack whatever is in your way

H elp yourself get through

T ry your best


M ake every day worth it

E ven when your down


U se your strength

P ut up with anything down




You’ve got to push yourself to be successful in life. Keep going in your life because if you quit you won’t become a good worker, you won’t be successful, and you will drown. It’s not just my education, it’s your education too.



S trong

W e can do anything as long as we know we’re winners

I’ m not giving up

M ake the best out of what you have




Never give up or quit on your goals

Make a difference



S tart a new life

W in every event you take

I ts only going to get easier in the long run

Manny sticked it out, and you can do the same...think




S tay focused

W ork to achieve

I  will never give up!

M ake a difference



I’ m not giving up, why should you?

M ake a good choice and stick with it


N ever give up

O nce you start the race don’t give up

T he race isn’t over till you finish


S tay strong till the end

O nly if you try can you succeed


W in for someone who can’t

E ven if you don’t win you did your best

A picture is a thousand words

K eep on going till you finish what you started





Got no phobia

Keep moving forward no matter what

Don’t stop because you lost keep going

Don’t give up


Brains beats bronze...

Because with it you’ll get gold


The word can’t only exists in the dictionary


You gotta fight for your rights to be free

And don’t ever say never



It’s Your Chance


It’s your chance to make what you want to happen. So make it happen. Be positive and keep working. Every day you have struggles but it’s your chance to go around them. Take your chances and work hard and never give up. Do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, and be who you wanna be. It’s your chance so make it happen!



You have to never give up even when you feel you have done enough or you are tired or bored you should never give up even if the difficulties of life are at the worst you have to overcome and come out on top.



Sometimes you don’t try your best. Sometimes you just go with the flow. Sometimes you don’t raise your hand because you’re embarrassed you don’t know. Don’t do it anymore! You can do it! You have to do your best, no matter what your best is. You have to set an example. You have to ask and get the help you need. And I’ll do it too. We can do it all of us, together. Let’s make America proud. Let’s do it.





S tay strong

W in

I’ m not giving up

M entality to win is vital



S tay strong

W ork hard

I nspire others

M otivating others






Keep it strong

It won’t be long

Until you hear

That choir

Singin their song


Its not that tough

its just in the rough


Dance when your down

Dance all around


Keep it strong

Keep it strong

Keep it strong


Keep your head held high

Up toward the sky


Don’t get down

Don’t cry all around


Keep it strong

Keep it strong

Keep it strong




S tay strong

W e are all winners

I shall never give up

M y friends are strong



D on’t give up

O nly quitters quit

N ever give in to your feelings

T ry your hardest


S tick it out

T hink your hardest

O nly do the right thing, not the wrong

P icking on others is wrong. What if you were picked on?





Make yourself strong

Just keep Believing

If you work hard

You will feel good again


S pecial ways

W alk it off

I ncredible thoughts

M emories are valuable



S omebody believes in you

W in together, lose together

I n every situation there is a way out, you just have to find it

M any times you fail, you just don’t give up



S ocialize when the going gets tough

W in when you get through

I nterdependence

M ake every moment worth it




Never give up

Never stop

Never give in




S urvive in life

W in your way through

I n time you will make it

M aintain your life




C hoose your future

L ive without fear

I’ m gonna keep moving

M ake every second count

B e who you want to be



S tay strong

W ork towards a better future

I  will not be intimidated

M aking a change



S tay

W ith

I mpeccable

M emories



Life is full of challenges, but if you focus on your work

you’ll succeed and your dreams will come true.

Keep believing and you’ll become stronger.



If you give up now, life will be going down hill the rest of your life.

If you don’t believe you can succeed, you probably won’t.



S tay in the game

W ork for what you want or love

I nching your way is better than quitting

M ake your own decisions good




When one door closes I hope another opens. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.






R espect others

E veryone is diffrent, you just need to accept them

S peak up for what you think is right

P eople will respect you if you respect them

O ther people are important too

S tudy hard so you can achieve great things

I f you have a disability accept it

B elieve inyourself no matter what

I f you need help, ask for it

L ive your life and live it well

I f you get tired you should rest

T est, you have to study for

Y ou always need your agenda



Every one is a winner if you try your best.

The only losers are the ones who give up.



S tay strong

W in it all

I mprove

M ove along when all goes wrong



No matter how hard you try,

you may have to lose some of the battles life throws at you.



S uccess

W ith

I n

Y ourself



“Whatever it takes I know can make it through!”

Push yourself to do the unthinkable,

and make your dreams come true!




S how that you can do it

W hy not try?

I nterdependence is a good way

M aybe I’ll do it, No I will do it



S uccess is the only option

W ork for the future

I magine the future

M anage to do well


S tay in school

W ork hard

I ts easy if you try

M ind blowing explosions







S ome choose to procrastinate

W hile others copy work but,

I ’ll choose to do

M y homework



The strongest person isn’t the one that beat someone down,

It is the person who got back up


The life you live is more important than the life people want you to live




S how what you have

W ith all your might

I magine what you can do

M orning coming soon


S tand up for yourself

W ork for what you want in life

I nspire other people to get their dream

M otivate yourself



S tand strong

W ait your turn

I’ m never going to give up

M ake your dream come true



S tick with it and make sure it gets finished

W on’t be long till we’re up again

I’ m not giving up

M ake sure you are confident in yourself




S tay strong when things look down

W ork for your goals

I can do it

M oving to your future


S tick with hope and trust

W ork toward your future

I’ ll stick to the goal

M oving no matter how hard





No matter how bad your past was, you can always make a better future for yourself.



Give everything your best effort, even if you fail, you can still say you tried.




S o you think its far? Its not as far as you think

W e can!

I can make it

M e, myself, and I is all I have for now




The road to success may be a far, dangerous journey.

But when you reach it you feel your life was well spent.



You gotta work hard, don’t let yourself down, and get over those hurdles.


No ones perfect, don’t consider yourself a failure if you fail,

failing is just another part of success.



S tay strong, follow your dreams

W alk the line

I n hard times never give up

M ake the best of yourself


S tay focused

W alk the line

I’ m not so weak

M ake mistakes and keep going



When life gets tough you can’t just give up!

You should follow your goals and make changes

and hopefully you’ll become successful in life.


How can you make a difference if you don’t believe in yourself?


Have confidence to be who you want to be.


Don’t use disadvantages as an excuse, use them as an advantage.



When you are down don’t focus on the bad

Focus on what could come out of it

Try to picture how things could turn out

But focus on the positive


Don’t just give up based on what others think of you

Use whatever you can to express your personality

If you only think about other people

You will never take care of yourself

And people won’t see the true you


Run for your dreams

You should follow your goals

Never give up






H ands are reachable, so lend a hand

O pportunities are always there, are always in front of you

P art of life is to live with ups and downs, but don’t let things make you weak and fail

E xpectations are high

F ight to reach your goals

U sing your beliefs will get you somewhere in life

L ike someone for who they are, not someone they will never be

L ive, laugh, love...Live life to the fullest




It’s your life your future you have the power to change the world, to make a difference but you will only be able to make a difference if you stay in school and prepare for your future because once you dream it you think it through and do it !



I know it’s inside of me, I just can’t get it out

I want to know what this life is really all about

Everyone tells me to just keep going

But I don’t think I can without knowing

That everything’s gonna be alright

Everyday and every night

I want everything to change

I want my life to be re-arranged

And I want people to feel the same way

‘Cause it all can be better in a matter of days

We just have to believe in ourselves

And not put the books of our lives back on those empty shelves

We must keep an open mind

And leave bad ideas behind

And take pride in our abilities

And try to cope with reality



S tay

W ith an

I nfinite

M ind



R espect others

E ducation

S tudy for your test and quizzes

P ower to do homework

O ther people will respect you if you respect them back

N icely ask for help

S tudy for a lot of time until you know it

I t is nice to have friends in school

B e nice to your teachers

I t is helpful to help your friends

L isten to your teacher

I t is nice to help your teachers as well

T reat everyone nicely

Y ou can work interdependently with others



Never give up on the “dance”, because you never know what lies ahead, Sometimes your going to wish that you knew but sometimes our lives our better left to “chance”. You could have missed the consequences of your actions but you would have “missed the dance”. You might have changed it all but don’t stop the dance because life is better left to chance.



Life is like riding a dirt bike. You race, you get hurt, but you see through it and you get up and keep riding. It doesn’t matter how hard you fall. If you really want it you will get up and keep riding. It’s the same thing with school. If you want to get a good education, and if you want to make good money, you will keep trying no matter if you fail a couple times. And like President Obama said, were not only doing this for us. We’re doing this for everyone. Just think you could be the one who betters our community. And you can’t let anyone or anything get in your way. You can’t let anyone tell you that you can’t make it. Because you and me both know if you give it your all, you can make it. It might not be the first time, but it will happen. Just like a dirt bike, you might not nail the trick the first time. But if you keep trying some day you will nail that trick and its going to feel so good when you do. So just keep trying.





ocean_horizon_sunset.jpg image by southernwiseguy







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